Hi, I'm Saewyd - self-love advocate

I am passionate about bridging the gap to self-discovery.  Naturally in my day-to-day life, uplifting people is something that I do without thinking about it. Whether it’s a quick chat with a stranger on the bus or complimenting someone in the middle of the grocery shop on a mundane shopping trip, kindness is a way of life. So becoming a Life Coach was a very natural progression for me. I am a mother, a sibling,  a creative, an advocate for mental health and so much more. Join me on this journey of empowerment.

Photo of Saewyd as a visual representation of the face behind the mission that is bridging the gap to self-discovery.
Photo of a personal journaling as a visual representation of bridging the gap to self-discovery

Vision & Mission - Bridging the gap to self-discovery

My mission is to empower individuals by  bridging the gap to self-discover by providing thought-providing content, 1-2-1 sessions and workshops on your journey of personal development where self-love and empowerment are paramount. 

The big vision is to provide a safe space where people don’t feel intimidated to improve the quality of their lives by healing those parts of themselves that they run away from. In other words, by addressing what’s in the shadows we can bring light and self-love to the forefront. We can only get to a place of love is we start by loving ourselves first.


I am constantly updating the recommended reads, be sure to check the books page.

Uthando Network is where all my philanthropy is housed.